What to expect from a Cranio-Sacral Therapy Session

Cranio-Sacral Therapy is a very gentle therapy that works on a physical, emotional and spiritual level to help rebalance the systems of the body. Here I answer some of the commonly asked questions on what happens during the treatment process.

What will happen when I arrive?
At the first appointment, a full case history will be taken which will include the reasons for your visit and your past medical history.

Is Cranio-Sacral Therapy a hands-on treatment?
Yes, Cranio-Sacral Therapy includes contact with the body using a very gentle touch. For example, the practitioner may place their hands on the client’s head, shoulders, back, legs or feet. If there are any areas of sensitivity or areas you would prefer not to be touched, you can discuss this before or during the treatment.

Is Cranio-Sacral Therapy like a massage?
Cranio-Sacral Therapy does not use the same contact or movements as a traditional massage. Although it is a hands-on treatment, the contact tends to be quite still – almost as if the practitioner is holding the client.


What do I need to wear?
Sessions are carried out with the client fully clothed, but you may wish to wear loose, comfortable clothing.

How will I feel after my session?
Most people feel very relaxed after their treatment. In some cases, you may notice twinges or slight aches throughout the body as it responds to the treatment process. You may also notice emotional releases such as crying and laughing.

Is there anything I need to do after my session?
It is good to stay hydrated after your session.

Can I have Cranio-Sacral Therapy if I am on medication?
As Cranio-Sacral Therapy is a very gentle, non-invasive treatment, it may be used in conjunction with other medications. If you are on several medications, including alternative medications, it is useful to bring a list of your medications to your appointment, including the strength and dosage.


Can I have Cranio-Sacral Therapy if I am having other treatments?
Yes, this may be possible. I like to work alongside doctors and other health professionals to ensure the client is receiving the best possible care. Please get in contact to discuss your specific case.

Do I have to lie down during the entire treatment?
No. Cranio-Sacral Therapy sessions can be carried out seated and even standing! The sessions can be adjusted to suit the requirements of the client – particularly pregnant women, elder clients, babies and children.

Where can I discover more about Cranio-Sacral Therapy?
For more information including availability and costs, please visit www.louisesam.com/craniosacral-therapy

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